Plot: Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) is a retired Ford factory worker and Korean War veteran living in a suburb of Detroit. Cantankerous and racist, Walt's ideology is suddenly challenged when the Vang Lor family of Hmong descent moves next door. When Thao (Bee Vang) attempts to steal Walt's 1972 Gran Torino, Walt develops an unlikely and meaningful relationship with the young teen.
Review: I have the utmost respect for Clint Eastwood. I think The Outlaw Josey Wales and Unforgiven are two of the best Westerns ever made. Eastwood's contribution to the world of cinema through acting, writing, directing, and even composing is incalculable.
Having said that I think Gran Torino is a horribly overrated movie and certainly not one of Eastwood's best. The story of an old racist curmudgeon who develops a relationship with a teenager of a different race is trite and cliche to say the least.
I had no vested interest in Walt or Thao as characters. They seemed rather one dimensional and uninspired to me. I'm sorry but I don't feel particularly interested in seeing anyone, let along Clint Eastwood, play the bigot next door. Is Gran Torino an attempt at social commentary? If so the words are lost on me. Furthermore Vang's performance as Thao is horrendous. I've seen better acting from Bolo Yeung. (Chong Li from Bloodsport for those who aren't in the know.)
And what is up with Clint Eastwood's voice? I know it has always had that flinty quality to it but man Clint, Christian Bale thinks you are too raspy. Either dial it down a notch or don't talk on screen anymore. And for the love of God don't have your son score your films. His composing leaves something to be desired. Do us all a favor and pick up the phone and call Alan Silvestri or James Horner next time. Both of those guys are still in demand last time I checked. Also the song "Gran Torino" that Eastwood sings in the credits will cause you to bleed profusely from the ears. I guarantee it.
However, this isn't to say that Gran Torino doesn't have its merits. Tom Stern's cinematography is solid. Also I appreciated the editing by Joel Cox and Gary D. Roach.
The problem is that this is supposed to be a drama not a sci-fi action film. The most redeeming features of a Clint Eastwood movie should be the acting, plot, and directing. Unfortunately, none of these three things stand out and that is why, to me anyway, Gran Torino is one of the most overrated films of Clint Eastwood's career.
My rating: 5/10
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