Plot: The third film in the Meet the Parents series finds father-in-law Jack (Robert De Niro) struggling with his family's future. After he suffers a heart attack, Jacks decides his son Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) should be the head of the family when Jack passes away. However when Jack and Dina (Blythe Danner) visit Greg and Pam (Teri Polo) for their grandchildrens' fifth birthday, Jack begins to suspect that Greg may be cheating with pharmaceutical rep Andi Garcia (Jessica Alba, and yes that is her character's name).
Review: In one of the most unnecessary sequels of all time, Little Fockers proves three things: that Ben Stiller continues to not be funny, that Robert De Niro continues to mail in every role he takes, and that since Little Fockers was number one at the box office, there is no accounting for taste among movie goers.
I can't begin to tell you how many things are bad about this movie. From Paul Weitz's shoddy and choppy directing style, to an idiotic scene involving Jack and an erectile dysfunction drug called Sustengo, to Jessica Alba's pathetic attempt at acting, Little Fockers is a soul crushing 98 minutes of pure unfunny torture.
Considering that director Paul Weitz is a former Academy Award nominee for Best Adapted Screenplay (About A Boy) you would think he'd know something about good writing. You'd be as wrong as the Los Angeles Clippers on draft day. John Hamburg and Larry Stuckey's script is an epic disaster full of ridiculous terms like "GodFocker" that would make the writers of Gigli and Norbit projectile vomit.
Speaking of regurgitation, De Niro, Stiller, and Alba aren't the only ones who reek in Little Fockers. Untalented Wilson brother Owen reprises his role as Kevin Rawley, Pam's ex-fiance. His performance is so annoying it makes you wonder if water boarding might be more fun than watching him in another movie. I also had to remind myself that Blythe Danner is thankfully the mother of an Oscar winner to take away something redeeming about her performance. While Teri Polo was decent as Pam, it just makes me sad that she can't get any better work than this. As for Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand as Bernie and Roz Focker...better I keep a civil QWERTY keyboard.
I can't even give credit to editors Greg Hayden, Leslie Jones, and Myron I. Kerstein who tightened the movie to just above an hour and a half. It would have been better if they'd tightened it down to five minutes. Or better yet none.
One of the most disturbing things about Little Fockers happened at the end when Jack, Dina, Roz, and Bernie all want to move near Greg and Pam. Considering that Little Fockers made over $300 million worldwide, it's possible the studio may consider a fourth film.
As to the possibility of another movie, I have one thing to say to the producers: Go Fock yourselves.
My rating: 2/10
This movie is just loaded with funny situational moments one after the other. Gregg moving the dump truck and burying jack then Kevin finding him in the sand with his “Jedi powers” was so funny. I was surprised to see Jack and Dina watching Roz’s show together. The stoic look on Jack’s face was so funny and he played this off so well. I saw “Little Fockers” on VOD on my DISH employee HD receiver last weekend. I love that I can watch in 1080p HD which looks so much better on my big screen TV. I have 200 HD channels to watch too which is more than any other provider right now.