Monday, May 17, 2010

Some Honesty From The Beef!

Hey let's face it Transformers 2 was a crapfest. Racist robots, Transformer Nads, and Megan Fox "acting" do not a good film make. It's not surprising then that star Shia Labeouf apologized for the shoddy film saying it lost its "heart." If by "heart" you mean a Michael Bay induced explosion fest. Anyway now Shia has followed up regarding Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and the media is running with it. He freely admits that he and Steven Spielberg "dropped the ball." He also said that both he and Harrison Ford had discussions and were unsatisfied overall with the film. Of course (like with anything) the media is blowing this whole thing out of preportion and acting like this is a huge apology for the film. To me it's not. It's an admittance that the movie wasn't all that it could have been and Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Lawrence Kasdan bear some of the blame. He's not throwing them under the bus. Shia's telling the truth. He also said that he has tremendous respect for Spielberg, that he's made his career. Why all the hate? Look I really did a 180 on Indy 4. At first I thought it was a pile of crap but I've watched it since and grown to like it. There were some very entertaining moments in the film. Having said that did we need to swing through the jungles with monkeys or have aliens dominate the last 15 minutes of the film? No. It could have been better and I hope Indy 5 is better. I think it will be. But for the love of God get off this guy's back for throwing out some honesty, which lets face it is rare in Hollywood.

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